Sysmex West & Central Africa

No worries about QC

Safeguarding the reliability of patient results is a no-brainer. Feeling confident in your QC results is as important as ever and spending more time and resources to do so is impractical.

Due to regulatory requirements and ISO 15189 accreditation, laboratories need more and more tools to review and assess the quality of their measurements. The ‘eXternalisation’ of QC (i.e. benchmarking/referencing QC measurements against an external QC database) is a precious ally to assess analyser performance and one of the most powerful tools, especially when combined with IQC, patient moving average (XbarM) and additional analyser information, like in Caresphere™ LM.

Leave it to Caresphere™ XQC

Caresphere™ XQC – successor of SNCS Online QC – is a module of the broader Caresphere™ digital platform and part of the Sysmex Quality Concept. It is an inter-laboratory comparison tool and it offers the possibility to compare the internal quality control (IQC) results of Sysmex analysers against so-called ‘peer groups’ – groups of the same Sysmex analyser series using the same lot number of QC material and measurement method.

When connected to Caresphere™ XQC, analysers automatically send out IQC data via a secure connection to the main Caresphere™ XQC server in our global headquarters. Data is collected and processed in near real time, with statistical evaluation done at the end of each day. The data from individual analysers are compared to the global peer data. If applicable, error notifications are sent via email to the laboratory organisation, the Sysmex service organisation, or both. Reports are generated – either monthly or after expiration of the QC material lot – with indicators expressing the performance of the analyser compared to the peer group and with historical overviews showing the performance over time.

Benefits at a glance
Strength in numbers
Caresphere™ XQC and compliance

Benefits at a glance

  • Integral part of the Sysmex Digital Services package for all those using Sysmex QC materials and specific Sysmex analyser models
  • Near real time results available within minutes
  • Inter-laboratory comparison of results against global or tailored affiliated peer groups
  • Have extra confidence that requirements and expectations for accreditation are fulfilled
  • ISO/IEC 17043 compliant reporting

Strength in numbers

Approximately 13,000 analysers all over the world send data to the Caresphere™ XQC server. The result is peer groups with up to 1,500 analysers, making the outcome of statistical evaluation very robust.

Caresphere™ XQC and compliance

ISO/IEC 17043 defines the requirements for providers of competence, development and operation of proficiency testing programmes. Caresphere™ XQC has been certified according to the ISO/IEC 17043 standards by the Japanese Accreditation Body (JAB).

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